Browse Collections (25 total)

Photos, Video, and Other Materials

Photos, videos, and other materials about the Chagossians and Diego Garcia.

Navy, U.S. (1974-present) Navy. FOIA Response Analysis Explosive Arcs Lagoon 1999-2014.pdf

Memos, cables, letters, notes, emails, reports, and other documents from or by the U.S. Department of the Navy related to Diego Garcia and/or the…

State, U.S. Department of (1981-present) M. Fax to William Taft - Cover Sheet. 2004-08-06.pdf

Memos, cables, letters, notes, emails, reports, and other documents from or by the U.S. Department of State related to Diego Garcia and/or the…

State, U.S. Department of (1967-1973) Draft Agreement over Construction and Operation of Defence Facilities on Aldabra. n.d. [1967].pdf

Memos, cables, letters, notes, emails, reports, and other documents from or by the U.S. Department of State related to Diego Garcia and/or the…

State, U.S. Department of (1955-1966) R. et al. Communications between US and UK. Financial Arrangements BIOT. 1966-12-30.pdf

Memos, cables, letters, notes, emails, reports, and other documents from or by the U.S. Department of State related to Diego Garcia and/or the…

United Nations (excluding Lawsuits) Nations General Assembly. Declaration on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples. 1960-12-15.pdf

United Nations documents and other materials related to the Chagossians and/or Chagos and Diego Garcia. For UN lawsuits, see "Lawsuits Chagossian…

U.K. Government Documents Not from Public Records Office I. Resettlement of the inhabitants of the Chagos Archipelago problem. BIOT discussions of nature preserve, in recognizing that several hundred people will be removed. 1971-01-26.pdf

U.K. Government documents and materials from locations other than the U.K. Public Records Office.

Congress, U.S. Subcommittee on Investigation of the Committee on International Relations. Hearings. Diego Garcia 1975 The Debate over the Base and the Islands Former Inhabitants. 1975.pdf

U.S. Congress documents, reports, hearings, and other materials.

Chagos Birth Marriage Death Certificates l_Enregistrement des Esclaves. Majastre. 1835-08-29.pdf

Chagossian Birth, Marriage, Death Certificates from Chagos Archipelago.

Photos Chagossian  Jean  - IMG_3922.JPG

Photographs, photos, images by and about Chagossians.

Literature and Reports, U.S. Government Referencing Diego Garcia {GAO +Aerial Refueling Aircraft Requirements} 2004.pdf

Literature and reports by U.S. Government agencies referencing Diego Garcia, the military base, and related topics.

White House and National Security Council, U.S. House. Memo of Conversation. Britain and Western Defense and Effect of Colonial Problems on Western Unity. 1962-04-28.pdf

Chagossian Organizations Short Chagossians 2017 12 13.pdf

Diego Garcia U.S.-U.K. Agreements Exchange of Notes concerning the Availability for Defence Purposes of the British Indian Ocean Territory. 1966-12-30.pdf

Literature about Chagossians and Chagos Harvey Sokolowski. Compensating a People for the Loss of Their Homeland. 2013.pdf

Mauritius National Archives and Library B. Statistique de Maurice Part 2. 1825.pdf

Documents, photographs, and other materials

Seychelles National Archives, JR. Notes on the Islands of the BIOT. 1969-01-10.pdf

Documents, photographs, and other materials

Lawsuits Chagossian in Europe, Mauritius, UN, U.S., Other Courts Press Release - Tribunal issues Award in Chagos Marine Protected Area Arbitration.pdf

Lawsuits Chagossian in U.K. Courts v. UK. 1975.pdf

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), U.S. Monthly Review_USSR and Africa_. 1984-01.pdf

Memos, cables, letters, notes, emails, reports, and other documents from or by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) related to Diego Garcia and/or…

U.S. Government, Other Departments and Agencies

Memos, cables, letters, notes, emails, reports, and other documents from or by other departments, agencies, or parts of the United States Government…

Defense, U.S. Department of (including Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joint Staff), H. Letter to George C. McGhee 1962-05-16.pdf

Memos, cables, letters, notes, emails, reports, and other documents from or by the U.S. Department of Defense related to Diego Garcia and/or the…

State, U.S. Department of (1974-1980) Amembassy. UN on Disarmeanent. 1978-05-22.pdf

Memos, cables, letters, notes, emails, reports, and other documents from or by the U.S. Department of State related to Diego Garcia and/or the…

Air Force, U.S. of Air Force. Letter to D Newsom. 1972-01-10 (2).pdf

Memos, cables, letters, notes, emails, reports, and other documents from or by the U.S. Department of the Air Force related to Diego Garcia and/or the…

Navy, U.S. (1955-1973)

Zumwalt E. CNO Comment Sheet Absolutely Must Go. 1971-03-26.pdf

Memos, cables, letters, notes, emails, reports, and other documents from or by the U.S. Department of the Navy related to Diego Garcia and/or the…